FREERADIUS WITH MIKROTIK – Enforcement of lowercase in username

Every Network is different , so one solution cannot be applied to all. Therefore try to understand logic & create your own solution as per your network scenario. Just dont follow copy paste.

If anybody here thinks I am an expert on this stuff, I am NOT certified in anything Mikrotik/Cisco/Linux or Windows. However I have worked with some core networks and I read , research & try stuff all of the time. So I am not speaking/posting about stuff I am formerly trained in, I pretty much go with experience and what I have learned on my own. And , If I don’t know something then I read & learn all about it.

So , please don’t hold me/my-postings to be always 100 percent correct. I make mistakes just like everybody else. However – I do my best, learn from my mistakes and always try to help others.


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